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作者:    信息来源:    发布时间: 2021-03-18

环境生态与工程研究室针对我国生态破坏和复合性环境污染问题,通过学科交叉,开展基础、应用和集成创新研究。研究室现有教授3人、副教授2人、讲师1人、博士后2人、博士研究生24人以及硕士研究生36人。主要研究方向:(1) 化学品生态风险控制与管理技术,包括预测毒理学技术、生态风险评价与管理方法;(2) 污染生态化学与生态毒理学,主要研究持久性和新型有毒污染物的环境行为与生态毒理;(3) 污染控制与修复化学技术,主要研究土壤污染修复与生态恢复技术和水体微污染控制技术等。

研究室现承担的研究项目/课题包括: (1) 国家自然科学基金国际合作与交流重点项目“化学品危害评价与优先排序的方法及工具 (方向1:化学品环境行为与毒理效应的虚拟筛选与测试技术)(21661142001)”, (2) 国家重点研发计划政府间国际科技创新合作重点专项“中国PBT化学品的高通量计算毒理学筛查技术研究 (2018YFE0110700)”, (3)国家自然科学基金面上项目5项,即“Fe-TAML键合环糊精分子反应器构建及其选择性降解微污染物”、“气相成核前驱体促进甲磺酸成核分子机制的计算模拟”、 “典型叶菜对磺胺类抗生素的根际吸收机制研究”、“氯自由基引发有机胺类污染物在气相及大气水表面的转化”、“纳米金属氧化物/硫化物诱导的氧化应激机制及其预测模型”,(4)国家重点研发计划骨干课题4项,即“高关注化学品的人体暴露机制及评估技术研究”、“有毒有害化学污染农田的土壤原位修复过程综合调控技术及产品”、“农药界面渗透吸收定量结构活性关系模型构建”、“农田农药化学强化土壤原位降解技术与示范”, (5)公益性行业(农业)科研专项“高效低风险环糊精基农药水制剂的筛选与优化(201503107-03)” 。

The Laboratory of Environment Ecology and Engineering has three research fields, including: (1) Technology of predictive (computational) toxicology and methodology for ecological risk assessment, (2) Ecological chemistry and ecotoxicology on persistent and emerging pollutants, (3) Control of aquatic micro-pollutants and pollution remediation. The group consists of three professor, two associate professors, one lecturer, two postdoctoral, with 24 Ph. D. students and 36 master students studying here at present.

The laboratory currently undertakes 11 research projects supported by the Major International (Regional) Joint Research Project and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), the Ministry of Science and Technology, PRC. Since 2011, more than 100 papers have been published in the international peer-reviewed journals.



在国家863计划项目和课题的支持下,研究室研发了用于预测化学品环境行为、生物富集与毒性的计算毒理学方法和虚拟筛选技术,构建了化学品预测毒理学平台。部分成果在Environ. Health Persp., Environ. Sci. Technol.等权威期刊发表,获得国家发明专利授权2件,软件著作权6件。


开发了环糊精调控污染物土壤生物有效性技术、环糊精调控-锰氧化物氧化组合技术、环糊精调控-氨基铁配体催化氧化组合技术及药剂,应用于农药、PAHs、酞酸酯等污染土壤修复;构建了环糊精基农药制剂筛选技术体系,联合瑞泽农药开发了系列环保型农药产品,实现农药污染源头减量。部分成果在Environ. Sci. Technol.等期刊上发表,获得3件国家发明专利授权,被Chemical & Engineering News作精选新闻报道。


1.Fangfang Ma, Hong-Bin Xie*, Jonas Elm, Jiewen Shen, Jingwen Chen*, Hanna Vehkamäki. Piperazine Enhancing Sulfuric Acid-Based New Particle Formation: Implications for the Atmospheric Fate of Piperazine [J]. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2019, 53: 8785−8795

2.Tong Xu, Jingwen Chen*, Zhongyu Wang, Weihao Tang, Deming Xia, Zhiqiang Fu, Hongbin Xie. Development of prediction models on base-catalyzed hydrolysis kinetics of phthalate esters with density functional theory calculation [J]. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2019, 53(10): 5828-5837.

3.Ya-nan Zhang, Jieqiong Wang, Jingwen Chen*, Chengzhi Zhou, Qing Xie. Phototransformation of 2,3-dibromopropyl-2,4,6-tribromophenyl ether (DPTE) in natural waters: Important roles of dissolved organic matter and chloride ion [J]. Environmental Science & Technology, 2018, 52(18): 10490-10499.

4.Fangfang Ma, Zhezheng Ding, Jonas Elm, Hong Bin Xie*, Qi Yu, Cong Liu, Chao Lo, Zhiqiang Fu, Lili Zhang, Jingwen Chen*. Atmospheric oxidation of piperazine initiated by ·Cl: Unexpected high nitrosamine yield [J]. Environmental Science & Technology, 2018, 52(17): 9801-9809.

5.Chao Li, Gaoliang Wei, Jingwen Chen*, Yuanhui Zhao*, Yanan Zhang, Limin Su, Weichao Qin. Aqueous OH radical reaction rate constants for organophosphorus flame retardants and plasticizers: experimental and modeling studies [J]. Environmental Science & Technology, 2018, 52(5): 2790-2799.

6.Chao Li, Jingwen Chen*, Hong-Bin Xie, Yuanhui Zhao*, Deming Xia, Tong Xu, Xuehua Li, Xianliang Qiao. Effects of atmospheric water on ·OH-initiated oxidation of organophosphate flame retardants: A DFT investigation on TCPP [J]. Environmental Science & Technology, 2017, 51(9): 5043-5051.

7. Hong-Bin Xie*, Jonas Elm, Roope Halonen, Nanna Myllys, Theo Kurtén, Markku Kulmala, and Hanna Vehkamäki, Atmospheric Fate of Monoethanolamine: Enhancing New Particle Formation of Sulfuric Acid as an Important Removal Process, Environmental Science & Technology., 2017, 51, 8422-8431.

8.Sisi Liu, Hongxia Zhao*, Hans-Joachim Lehmler, Xiyun Cai, Jingwen Chen*. Antibiotic pollution in marine food webs in Laizhou Bay, north China: Trophodynamics and human exposure implication[J]. Environmental Science & Technology, 2017, 51(4): 2392-2400.

9.Ya Wang, Jingwen Chen*, Xiaoxuan Wei, Arturo J. Hernandez Maldonado, Zhongfang Chen*. Unveiling adsorption mechanisms of organic pollutants onto carbon nanomaterials by density functional theory computations and linear free energy relationship modeling [J]. Environmental Science & Technology, 2017, 51(20): 11820-11828.

10.Zhiqiang Fu, Yong Wang, Jingwen Chen*, Zhongyu Wang, Xingbao Wang. How PBDEs are transformed into dihydroxylated and dioxin metabolites catalyzed by the active center of cytochrome P450s: A DFT Study [J]. Environmental Science & Technology, 2016, 50(15): 8155-8163.


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