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作者:    信息来源:    发布时间: 2021-03-18

环境能源工程研究室主要从事固体废物热解、气化、焚烧、干燥及资源化再生利用和综合管理等方面的研究工作,结合环境、工程热物理、能源与环境等学科的研究进展,开展废弃物污染控制与资源化新方法、新原理、新技术。课题组现有教授1人、副教授2人、讲师1人、博士和硕士研究生32人。现阶段研题组主要研究方向:(1) 固体废物污染预防与资源化原理;(2) 城市固体废物的低能耗、近零排放资源化利用技术;(3) 工业废渣的解毒与资源化技术;(4) 农业及工业生物质废弃物的高值化转化技术。

依托建立大连市固体废物资源再生工程实验室和大连市固体废弃物资源化工程技术研究中心。近年来,承担国家、省部级及企业合作项目40余项, 编制国家环境保护标准1项(HJ 761-2015),发表学术论文200余篇,授权发明专利50余件。完成多项技术开发、设备研制和工程示范,代表性授权转让技术成果:(1)“热解气供能和活化一体化制备活性炭专利技术”(国际专利US9650254B2);(2)“基于污染物源头阻断的城市垃圾热解气化焚烧专利技术”(ZL2011100623386);(3)“基于热压力耦合污泥深度脱水干化与清洁焚烧技术”(ZL200710011115.0),专利技术成果转让费3000余万元。

The group of Environmental Energy Engineering (EEE) mainly engages in research works of solid waste treatment and integrated management, such as pyrolysis, gasification, combustion, dryness and MBT. Applying the latest achievements in the thermal and energy science into the environmental science and technology, our lab has been pursuing active research in developing new technologies and principles for solid waste pollution control and resource utilization. Group leader is Prof. Aimin Li, other members are Dr. Lei Zhang, Dr. Guozhao Ji, Dr. Yuan Gao and ca. 32 graduates. Main research fields include: (1) Solid waste pollution prevention and resource recovery; (2) MSW treatment and resource utilization with low energy consumption and near zero emission; (3) Industrial solid waste detoxification and resource regeneration; (4) Value-added utilization technology for agricultural and industrial biomass.

EEE group plays a leading role on two research centers of Dalian Solid Waste Resource Generation Engineering Laboratory and Dalian Solid Waste Resource Utilization Research Center. In the last years, the ETE has been carried out over 40 cooperation projects funded by local governments and companies, issued one industrial standard (HJ 761-2015), and published more than 200 academic papers and 50 patents were authorized. We accomplished the development and demonstration of some typical technologies and equipment, and three representative research highlights: (1) Activation carbon production from wasted biomass by an integrated self-heating and activation process with pyrolytic syngas (US9650254B2); (2) Municipal solid waste pyrolytic gasification-combustion technique based on pollution source control (ZL2011100623386); (3) High efficiency sludge drying and resource utilization with low energy consumption and near zero emission (ZL200710011115.0), the and transferring and licensing fees for these three techniques is 2600 RMB.








—— 有机废弃物清洁热解气化多联产的过程调控方法及技术应用



1.Qu Y., Li A.M., Wang D., Zhang L., Ji G.. Kinetic study of the effect of in-situ mineral solids on pyrolysis process of oil sludge [J]. Chem. Eng. J., 2019, 374: 338.

2.Irfan M., Li A.M. et al. Enhanced H2 production from municipal solid waste gasification using Ni-CaO-TiO2 bifunctional catalyst prepared by dc arc plasma melting [J]. Ind. and Eng. Chem. Res., 2019, 58: 13408.

3.Yin Y., Gao Y., Li A.M.. Self-activation of biochar from furfural residues by recycled pyrolysis gas [J]. Waste Manage., 2018, 77: 312.

4.Wang L., Li A.M. Hydrothermal treatment coupled with mechanical expression at increased temperature for excess sludge dewatering: The dewatering performance and the characteristics of products [J]. Water Res., 2015, 68: 291.

5.Zhang W., Zhang L., Li A. Enhanced anaerobic digestion of food waste by trace metal elements supplementation and reduced metals dosage by green chelating agent [S, S]-EDDS via improving metals bioavailability [J]. Water Res., 2015, 84: 266.

6.Mao L., Zhang L., Gao N., Li A.M. Seawater-based furfural production via corncob hydrolysis catalyzed by FeCl3 in acetic acid steam, Green Chem. 2013, 15, 727.


1.李爱民等. Method for preparation of active carbon by pyrolysis of organics. US 9650254B2, 美国, 授权, 转化

2.李爱民, 张雷. 一种有机物自供能干燥与热解、全组分资源化系统及工艺方法, 201610346244.4, 授权, 转化

3.李爱民, 张雷等. 一种有机固体燃料干燥、热解焚烧一体化方法与装置, 201210387495.9, 授权, 转化

4.李爱民等.一种连续式制备活性炭的一体化装置及方法, ZL201310306054.6, ZL201310306054.6, 授权, 转化

5.李爱民等. 一种利用熔融盐活化制备活性炭的方法, ZL201410350867.X, 授权, 转化

6.李爱民等. 基于机械生物联合预处理的生活垃圾焚烧工艺及其系统, ZL200910010923.4, 授权, 应用, 获中国发明协会“发明创业奖项目奖”金奖(证书编号:2801091, 国科奖社证字第0123号)

7.李爱民等. 一种高含水率膏糊状物料干燥设备, ZL 200910010501.7, 授权, 转化

8.李爱民, 张雷等. 一种多段式半连续有机垃圾生物反应装置及方法, ZL201410508460.5, 授权, 转化

9.李爱民, 张雷. 一种低消耗连续式水解反应装置及方法 有权, ZL201710005309.3, 授权, 转让



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